Kia ora Mick
Welcome to the December edition of Research NewZ. Here are some selected highlights from the past three months of research - with a focus on Artificial Intelligence.
AI - what is it good (or bad) for?
Recent research highlighting New Zealander's mixed reactions
We asked New Zealanders three questions about what they thought about using AI in their everyday life and what they saw as the problems and shortcomings of doing so. Only a third of respondents believed that the benefits of AI outweigh the downsides, while two thirds had concerns about "where the information you provide goes" or "AI is cheating".
Read the details at LInkedIn:
Or read the expanded media release here:
The European Society for Marketing & Opinion Research (ESOMAR) has announced that it has begun the process of reviewing its Code of Practice. Last reviewed in 2016, this is to cover developments in data privacy legislation and major changes in the sector such as the increased use of data analytics and the collation and analysis of existing data.
As a member of ESOMAR, this is of interest to Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand.
The Review Team has identified the following issues as potentially relevant to updating the Code:
  • AI, transparency, distinguishing AI generated data, ethical limits of use and legislation.
  • Definition of research today and who is a researcher.
  • Research in the metaverse.
  • With disintermediation, who is accountable for what, when research functions are outsourced via research tech and platforms to different parties?
  • The difference between findings and interpretation.
  • Blurring between primary and secondary data.
  • Transparency in methodology and data collection.
  • Diversity and inclusion.
At this stage, the review is expected to be completed before the end of the year. We will keep you informed of developments as they are announced.
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand passes IT testing again with flying colours
Maintaining our information security compliance
Rangahau Aotearoa Research New Zealand has a policy based on the premise that we will conduct a ‘penetration test’ at least once every 12 months. Our most recent testing was completed in November this year.
The purpose of a penetration test is to uncover vulnerabilities in the different parts of an organisation’s IT infrastructure (hardware), systems and applications (software).
With cyber-attacks now being the norm, this testing is therefore an invaluable tool in providing us and our clients with the assurance that any security risks that might be present are being effectively identified and managed, and that we are maintaining information security compliance within industry standards.

Our penetration testing is undertaken by an independent third party. Needless to say, we passed with the security level and assurance required for public sector research projects!
Mia & Leo Go Wild!  A new book from Gillian Chandler
Mia & Leo Go Wild is a new children’s book by award-winning author Gillian Candler, with illustrations by Gavin Mouldey. Sponsored by one of our long-standing clients, the Mountain Safety Council of Aotearoa New Zealand, this is a story about Mia and her younger brother Leo on their first family overnight tramp to Whiowhio Hut.
Published in time for Christmas, it will be an enjoyable read for any young children in your whānau, as well as yourself.
The adventurous storyline cleverly weaves in the New Zealand Safety Code and is packed with practical tips and advice to help whānau safely enjoy any land-based recreation in Aotearoa New Zealand’s outdoors.
Go to Mountain Safety Council’s website to enter a children’s colouring competition and a chance to win $1,500 worth of outdoor gear. Entries close on 31 January 2024.

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Kimihia, Rangahaua, Tuituia | Actively seek understanding to connect and inspire

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